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As of Tuesday, January 16, 2024, the current weather forecast for Burnaby suggests a high likelihood of snowy weather conditions for several events upcoming at St Stephen's. Snow is expected Tuesday and Wednesday with some possible on Thursday as well. Please check your personal favourite weather source for details.

COMMUNITY MEAL: We have decided that in the interests of keeping everyone safe, we will cancelled January's Community Meal scheduled for Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

NEW TO YOU MARKET: The weather looks likely to have cleared -- at least in terms of returning to the road conditions we know best -- by Saturday and the New To You Market anticipates being open their usual hours from 10-2 on January 20th.

Volunteers for Thursday's sorting time will be in conversation about their intentions for that session. Please do not bring donations to the church at this time.

GROUPS THAT MEET AT ST STEPHENS: We have many independent groups that use the building for their classes, meetings, and rehearsals. These groups will be making their own decisions regarding weather-based closures. Please contact your group's leadership directly. The Church does have a contract for snow removal, but please use caution as the driveways and walkways may be snowy and icy.