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We are moving into "Phase 2" of the Diocese of New Westminster's Re-Opening Plans! These phases do not quite match BC's as they are focused primarily on worship and building use for our parish -- and the other Anglican parishes in our Diocese. You can read our earlier news story about this here and the diocesan info here.

Beginning Sunday, June 14, 2020 we are adding an in-person option to our Zoom Morning Prayer. Zoom Morning Prayer will continue -- please find the link to the meeting in our Events listing. We have room for 15-20 people to join us in the Parish Hall during that Zoom meeting. We will have our large TV hooked up so that those who are in-person can see those who are on Zoom and a camera set up so that those who are in the room can be seen by those on Zoom.

UPDATE: You are welcome to join us on Sunday without RSVPing.  Doors open at 9:50 AM, and it will be on a "as we have space" basis.

Please note: In-person participants are asked to follow the standard precautions being encouraged by our public health authorities -- stay home if you are sick in any way or if you are at high risk from COVID-19, maintain physical distancing and frequent hand-washing. In-person worship participants are encouraged to wear face masks. Worship will continue to be Morning Prayer (no Holy Eucharist) at this time. In-person participants will not sing with our soloist (who will be set apart from the congregation, facing away from them while singing). There will not be coffee hour or a time of socializing after worship. We have limited our bathrooms to single stalls and ask that they are used by one person at a time and we have set up a one-way flow of traffic to them from the Parish Hall. We will be maintaing a list of in-person participants to aid in contact tracing should someone who attends become ill with COVID-19.

"Phase 2" allows us to begin adding in-person worship for the St Stephen's community; it, unfortunately, doesn't allow us to begin hosting user groups again. This is so that our own community takes the first risks in ensuring that we have adequately managed the additional cleaning and sanitizing and physical distancing before we invite others to share those risks. We are hopeful that "Phase 2" will be fairly short as we really miss our faith groups, AA groups, and others -- and know what a lifeline those groups are to their members.